
DZG Training Course: From Invention to Clinical Product

For the first time, the DZD offers a joint advanced training course for young scientists of the German Centers for Health Research (DZG): "Translating Science into Clinical Practice".

PD Dr. Andreas Lechner is one of the trainers of the DZG Course. Source: DZD

The successful application of scientific results in everyday medical practice is subject to strict regulations and needs specific expertise, e.g. in the area of product development, patents, business plan and clinical studies. Experienced trainers from the business world, Dr. Klaus Weinberger (sAnalytiCo Ltd), the technology transfer, Dr. Hubert Müller (Ascenion GmbH), and clinical research PD Dr. Andreas Lechner (Medical Clinic and Polyclinic IV of the LMU) provide insights into the most important subject areas. The workshop will take place from 29 November to 1 December at the Helmholtz Zentrum München. A free participation is possible for all young scientists of the DZG.

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