
DZG Munich Day: Together Against Widespread Diseases

Research for health and the prevention and better treatment of widespread diseases are the goals of the German Centers for Health Research (DZG). At the DZG Munich Day on July 12, 2024, the eight DZGs will provide an overview of scientific highlights and an insight into joint research in Munich. Other focal points are the participation of patients and the presentation of poster awards.


At first glance, the various widespread diseases appear to be quite different. However, there are often connections that are important for the development of new therapies and research methods. The active networking of the different DZGs offers a unique opportunity to develop innovative research approaches.

Therefore, the DZG Munich Day gives particular focus on the cooperation between the centers.

Current transdisciplinary projects will be presented, including intermittent fasting, identification of causes of the diseases and biomarkers or research into cross-disease changes in the protein TREM2, which drives the brain's immune cells to peak performance.  


Detailed information in our press release

Further information on the 2nd DZG Munich Day

Program of the 2nd DZG Munich Day