News-Archive 2016 to 2020

21. December 2020

Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year

The German Center for Diabetes Research wishes you merry christmas and a healthy and happy new year.

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11. December 2020

DZD Scientist Receives ERC Grant

Prof. Dr. Paul Pfluger from the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant. He receives the honor for his…

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10. December 2020

New Study Investigates Effect of Teplizumab on the Maintenance of Insulin Production in the Pancreas in Children and Adolescents Newly Diagnosed with Clinical Type 1 Diabetes

The antibody teplizumab can delay the development of clinical type 1 diabetes in individuals. There have been numerous studies evaluating the efficacy…

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07. December 2020

Sugar – More Than Just “Empty Calories”? New Study Provides Insights

Dr. Sabrina Schlesinger and her team at the DZD partner German Diabetes Center have conducted a mediation analysis to specify the total association of…

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04. December 2020

Stephan Weiland Award 2020 for DZD Scientist

The young scientist Manuela Neuenschwander from the DZD partner German Diabetes Center was named first place winner of the Stephan Weiland Award 2020…

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27. November 2020

One Million Euros for Research on the Brain and Nutritional Behavior

How our brain functions in adulthood can already be influenced by environmental factors during pregnancy. Besides known influencing factors such as…

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23. November 2020

Open Position in the DZD Head Office

At the head office of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) in Munich, a half-day position in the area of scientific project management is to…

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13. November 2020

“I can see it in your eyes”: Novel Deep Learning Method Enables Clinic-Ready Automated Screening for Diabetes-Related Eye Disease

Researchers at the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München together with LMU University Eye Hospital Munich and the Technical University of Munich (TUM)…

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10. November 2020

DZD and at the Virtual World Diabetes Day

This year the World Diabetes Day event (November 14th) will take place online. Starting at 10 a.m. at, the program will include…

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10. November 2020

DZD Annual Report Published

The German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) has published its 2019 Annual Report. On 68 pages, the DZD not only presents current figures, data, and…

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09. November 2020

Knowledge about Diabetes Keeps you Healthy – Expansion of the National Diabetes Information Portal Goes into the Second Round

A good six months after the launch of the national diabetes information portal, many thousands of people are already using the…

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05. November 2020

DZD Experts at the DDG Autumn Conference

Numerous DZD researchers are leading symposia at the DDG's 2020 virtual diabetes autumn conference (November 6-8) or are active as speakers. Topics…

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05. November 2020

World Diabetes Day on November 14: New Information Offerings on

Around seven million people in Germany have diabetes mellitus. In 2040, up to 12 million people could be affected by type 2 diabetes. The disease…

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04. November 2020

DZD with the Leading Theme "News from Diabetes Research" in "The Diabetologist"

The German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) presents current results from diabetes research in the new issue of the journal "Der Diabetologe".…

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04. November 2020

DZD Researchers at ARD-Alpha in "Schwanke meets Science"

The DZD experts Prof. Anette-G. Ziegler and Prof. Stephan Herzig will report on the "world disease diabetes" in the ARD alpha series "Schwanke meets…

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04. November 2020

Potsdam: Open Positions at the DIfE

At the DZD partner German Institute for Human Nutrition (DIfE) in Potsdam-Rehbrücke, various scientific positions are to be filled as of 01.01.2021.…

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03. November 2020

Virtual DZD Diabetes Research School (DRS): International Diabetes Experts in Online Lecture Series for Talented Young Researchers

More than 100 young diabetes researchers from all over the world took part in the virtual DZD Diabetes Research School (DRS) this autumn. In the…

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30. October 2020

More Infections than Reported: New Study Demonstrates Importance of Large-Scale SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Screenings

A new study lead by DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München indicates a six-fold higher SARS-CoV-2 exposure rate among children in Bavaria, Germany,…

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26. October 2020

SMS Initiative Receives Award for Special Commitment

The SMS initiative was awarded 2nd prize in the Charity Awards 2020 sponsored by Springer Medizin. With the Charity Award, Springer Medizin honors…

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12. October 2020

Potsdam: Open Positions for PhD Student and Postdocs

At the DZD partner German Institute for Human Nutrition (DIfE) in Potsdam-Rehbrücke, various scientific positions are to be filled as of 01.01.2021.…

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29. September 2020

Experts from the Fields of Diabetology and Endocrinology Call for More Capacities in Training and Continuing Education

On July 3, 2020, the German Bundestag adopted the National Diabetes Strategy with the aim of achieving a lasting improvement in patient care and…

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29. September 2020

Initial Results of the Life & Covid Study: Overweight and Obesity May Be Key Lifestyle Factors for a Severe Course of Covid-19

The online study Life & Covid investigates the influence of various lifestyle factors on the severity of Covid-19 disease. Severe disease courses are…

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24. September 2020

DZD Researchers on the Subject of Abdominal Fat in BR Television

Why is visceral abdominal fat so dangerous to health? And what helps against it? In its "Health" program, the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation…

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23. September 2020

Prize for DZD Scientist Jens Brüning

Professor Jens Brüning, director of the Max Planck Institute for Metabolic Research in Cologne and associated partner in the German Center for…

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23. September 2020

Award for Young DZD Scientist

Dr. Natalie Krahmer of the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München has received a Future Leaders Award from the European Foundation for the Study of…

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18. September 2020

Ernst Schering Prize for DZD Scientist Jens Brüning

The Ernst Schering Foundation honors Jens Claus Brüning with the Ernst Schering Prize 2020. The physician and metabolism researcher receives the prize…

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10. September 2020

Epigenetic Changes Precede Onset of Diabetes

Epigenetic* changes in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas can be detected in patients several years before the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes…

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08. September 2020

DZD Scientists in BR Abendschau on Diabetes Remission

Can type 2 diabetes be reversed? Under the title "Hope for Diabetics" the Abendschau of the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation reported on a case…

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04. September 2020

High Quality Lecturers at the 8th DZD Diabetes Research School

For the first time, the DZD Diabetes Research School (DRS) of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) will take place as a free online seminar…

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04. September 2020

New Funding for Pioneering Health Research at Helmholtz Zentrum München

The DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München wins four so-called ERC Starting Grants for young researchers in the new financing round of the European…

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04. September 2020

Effect of Corona Lockdown on Type 1 Diabetes Incidence in Children and Adolescents Investigated

How did the incidence rate develop during the lockdown with regard to stress factors on the one hand but generally less potential exposure to various…

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26. August 2020

New Website of the SMS Initiative with Interactive Elements

An increasing number of children are at heightened risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes due to poor…

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25. August 2020

DZD Scientist at Deutschlandfunk on Obesity Research

Prof. Dr. Matthias Tschöp informed about new developments in obesity research in the 'Deutschlandfunk' radio station.

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21. August 2020

A Gatekeeper Against Insulin Resistance in the Brain

The brain plays a major role in controlling our blood glucose levels. In type 2 diabetics this glucose metabolism brain control is often…

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18. August 2020

Risk of Diabetes Complications Increases with Elevated Levels of NT-proBNP

Healthy people – especially women – with elevated levels of the heart failure marker NT-proBNP have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.…

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10. August 2020

How Protein Protects against Fatty Liver

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common chronic liver disease in the world, with sometimes life-threatening consequences. A high-protein,…

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24. July 2020

Podcasts on “Prevent Diabetes” Series Starts with an Episode about Healthy Eating

This week the diabetes information portal has launched a series of podcasts under the sub-portal “Prevent Diabetes” on popular podcast…

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23. July 2020

DZD Scientist in TK Podcast

In the episode "Diabetes: It is more complicated than we thought", the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) health insurance company interviewed DZD scientist…

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21. July 2020

Increase in Ketoacidosis in Children and Adolescents during the Corona Crisis

What impact was observed on the number of cases of ketoacidosis in young people with newly diagnosed diabetes during the first two months of the COVID…

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08. July 2020

Diabetes Expert Appointed EMBO Member

Prof. Dr. Matthias Tschöp, CEO of the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München, has been elected a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization…

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24. June 2020

Why and to what Extent a Large Hip Protects from Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases

In a ‘Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology’ article Norbert Stefan from the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), the University Hospital of Tübingen…

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19. June 2020

DZD Scientist in BR Gesundheit! EXTRA

Blood samples from the Fr1da study for the early detection of type 1 diabetes in children are now also tested for antibodies against the corona virus…

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10. June 2020

Questions and Answers about Nutrition and Immune Defense, also in Relation to the Coronavirus Pandemic

How does what we eat and drink affect our immune system? Can certain vitamins or minerals strengthen our immune system? What needs to be considered in…

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28. May 2020

DZD Awards 2019 presented

The DZD Awards are presented annually to ten researchers who are at the beginning of their careers. This internal award of the German Center for…

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25. May 2020

DZD Researchers Honored for Outstanding Work in Diabetes Research

The German Diabetes Association (DDG) is honoring several researchers of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) with awards for their…

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25. May 2020

Inspiring Children to Lead an Active Lifestyle

Elementary school students in Düsseldorf are encouraged to lead an active lifestyle within the framework of the SMS initiative "SMS. Be smart. Join…

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22. May 2020

DZD Scientist Awarded with 2020 Early Career Research Prize in Vaccinology R&D

Prof. Dr. Carolin Daniel from the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München is the winner of the 'IUIS Early Career Research Prize in Vaccinology R&D'.…

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20. May 2020

Online Study: How Does Lifestyle Affect the Course of Covid-19?

A new online study LIFE & COVID on the topic of lifestyle and Covid-19 has been launched by the Diabetes Study Center of the university hospital of…

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18. May 2020

Fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic and Major Diseases at the Same Time: A Balancing Act for Biomedical Scientists

Researchers, politicians and funding bodies find themselves in front of a unique situation and enormous challenge: The mounting pressure to accelerate…

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18. May 2020

Additional Genetic Cause for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Discovered

In Germany about 18 million people suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver. The causes of this disease are manifold and include environmental as well as…

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14. May 2020

New Signaling Mechanism to Boost Metabolism Discovered

Scientists at DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München have discovered a new signaling mechanism for the regulation of energy metabolism in brown adipose…

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11. May 2020

Berlin/Potsdam: Open Professorships

Within the framework of a joint appointment of the DZD partner Deutsches Institut für Ernährungsforschung Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE) and Charité -…

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07. May 2020

Coronavirus SARS-COV-2: Research Activities of the DZD

Researchers around the world are working to learn more about the spread of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the course of the disease Covid-19. In…

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28. April 2020

Practical Recommendations for the Management of Diabetes in Patients with COVID-19

Depending on the global region, 20–50% of patients in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic had diabetes. An international panel of experts…

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27. April 2020

DZD Multicenter Studies Can be Continued Under Certain Conditions

The general interruption of the clinical studies of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) as part of the precautionary measures relating to…

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27. April 2020

Beta Cells from Stem Cells: Potential for Cell Replacement Therapy

The loss of insulin-secreting beta cells by autoimmune destruction leads to type 1 diabetes. Clinical islet cell transplantation has the potential to…

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24. April 2020

Summary of preliminary Data about Obesity and Severity of COVID-19

In a 'Nature Reviews Endocrinology' “Comment” authors from the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), the Boston Children’s Hospital and the…

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24. April 2020

Brain Insulin Sensitivity Determines Body Weight and Fat Distribution

Just where fat is deposited in the body and to what degree a person may benefit from a lifestyle intervention depends, among other things, on how…

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15. April 2020

New Issue of the DZG Magazine 'SYNERGIE': Diagnosing the Disease

Faster, safer and less invasive: researchers at the German Centers for Health Research (DZG) are working on ever better diagnostics of widespread…

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30. March 2020

DZD Scientists on 3Sat in "Healthy through fasting"

The effects of interval fasting on the course of diseases are explained by Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig, Director of the Institute for Diabetes and Cancer…

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24. March 2020

SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 and Diabetes

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of cases of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is continuing to rise. In about 80 percent of the…

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23. March 2020

Important Announcement: DZD Head Office Still Ready to Help

The staff members of the head office of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) are currently teleworking, i.e. working from home. All staff…

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17. March 2020

DZD Multicenter Studies Pause during Coronavirus Measures

To protect all people involved and to support the nationwide precautionary measures to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, the clinical study…

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16. March 2020

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: What Precautions Should People with Diabetes Take?

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections are currently steadily increasing in Germany and worldwide.…

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27. February 2020

DZD Scientist in SWR "betrifft" About Losing Weight

Prof. Dr. Andreas Fritsche from the DZD partner institute in Tübingen explains in the television programme "betrifft: Abnehmen und schlank bleiben -…

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24. February 2020

New Junior Research Group “Neurocircuit Development and Function" at DIfE

Neuroscientist, Dr. Rachel Lippert, has taken over the leadership of the newly created Junior Research Group “Neurocircuit Development and Function”…

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20. February 2020

New Drug Combination Restores Beta Cell Function in Animal Model: Potential for Diabetes Remission

The loss of the identity of insulin-secreting beta cells in the islet of Langerhans, a process also called beta cell dedifferentiation, has been…

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14. February 2020

Presentation of New Edition of “Wegweiser Diabetes” – Guide to Offerings for People with Diabetes

In North Rhine-Westphalia there are currently around one million people with type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, it is likely that a large number of…

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12. February 2020

Podcast and Video: DZD Scientist on Type 2 Diabetes at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Diabetes researcher Prof. Dr. Matthias Tschöp, Scientific Director of the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München, reports in his lecture at the…

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10. February 2020

The Biggest Type 1 Diabetes Prevention Trial for Babies Has Passed an Important Milestone

Baby Holly from Svedala in southern Sweden is participant number 520 in the type 1 diabetes prevention trial POInT. One of Europe’s largest type 1…

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07. February 2020

New EU Research Cooperation: Preclinical Development of Novel Peptides for Treatment of Diabetes

At the German Diabetes Center (DDZ), a partner in the DZD, new antidiabetic drugs are to be developed in cooperation with three partners from science…

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05. February 2020

IMPC Award for Martin Hrabě de Angelis

Prof. Dr. Martin Hrabě de Angelis, head of the Institute of Experimental Genetics of the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München, received the IMPC…

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30. January 2020

DZD Scientist in 'IQ – Wissenschaft und Forschung'

Prof. Dr. Susanna Hofmann, Institute for Diabetes and Regeneration Research (IDR) of the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München, talks in IQ - Science…

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29. January 2020

Type 1 Diabetes: Time to Consider Standard Care Screenings

Researchers at DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München employed the world's first early detection test for type 1 diabetes in a large-scale population…

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24. January 2020

DZDconnect Honored: Dr. Alexander Jarasch Receives bytes4diabetes Award

The DZDconnect project “Graphs to Fight Diabetes“ of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) has won a bytes4diabetes Award 2020. The award was…

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24. January 2020

How Surveillance Contributes to the Protection of Public Health

The National Diabetes Surveillance at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) compiles data on diabetes incidence and prevalence in Germany – from the RKI…

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22. January 2020

Jointly Combating Common Diseases: Clinically-Oriented Research on Diabetes, Cancer and Neurodegenerative Diseases at the 2nd Joint DZG Symposium in Dresden

The second joint symposium of the German Centers for Health Research (DZG), the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), the German Cancer…

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22. January 2020

DZD Scientist Receives Prize for Her Research on Type 1 Diabetes

Professor Carolin Daniel of the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München has been awarded the 2019 Nils Ilja Richter Prize of the German Autoimmunity…

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20. January 2020

DZD Scientists on HR TV: “Fat Burners – Do Pills Help Reduce Fat?”

Dr. Timo Müller and Dr. Stefan Kabisch of the DZD partners Helmholtz Zentrum München and the German Institute of Human Nutrition speak on the program…

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14. January 2020

Dr. Sabine Kahl Awarded Dr. Eickelberg Foundation Prize

Promotion of young researchers at the DZD partner German Diabetes Center: Dr. Sabine Kahl, scientist at the German Diabetes Center (DDZ), has received…

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14. January 2020

DZD Scientists in the 3sat "scobel" Talk Show

Prof. Hubert Preißl from the Institute of Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases of Helmholtz Zentrum München at the University of Tübingen was a…

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14. January 2020

DZD Scientists on 3sat on the Subject of Obesity

In the science documentary "Weg mit dem Übergewicht", broadcast on 3sat on 9 January, the DZD scientists Prof. Andreas Pfeiffer (DIfE), Prof. Matthias…

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08. January 2020

Looking at the Good Vibes of Molecules: a New Method for Label-Free Metabolic Imaging

Label-free dynamic detection of biomolecules is a major challenge in live-cell microscopy. The simultaneous visualization of dynamic alterations for…

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20. December 2019

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

The German Center for Diabetes Research wishes you merry christmas and a happy new year.

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20. December 2019

By the Might of a Lash Against Bad Blood Sugar Levels

If the cilia on the pancreatic beta cells do not function properly, glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes develop. In 'Nature Communications', a…

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18. December 2019

Type 1 Diabetes: Researchers Identify New Molecular Target to Prevent Progression of Islet Autoimmunity

Regulatory T cells (Tregs)* prevent excessive immune reactions in healthy people. In the development of autoimmune type 1 diabetes, this protection is…

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11. December 2019

Young DZD researchers receive awards

Sara Pedron, Karl Emmert-Fees, and Dr. Michael Laxy from DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München received awards in various categories at the…

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10. December 2019

Metabolic Benefit of Insoluble Cereal Fiber

Insoluble cereal fiber has a beneficial effect! However, this effect is not the same for every person. As an international research team led by DZD…

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04. December 2019

DIfE Celebrates Topping-Out Ceremony for New Research Building

On December 4th, less than half a year after laying the foundation stone, the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE), a DZD…

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03. December 2019

Lipid Metabolism and Diabetes: In Sync with the Internal Circadian Clock

Depending on the timing of food intake, plasma lipid profiles change and affect insulin sensitivity. This is shown in a study by a research group led…

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02. December 2019

Renowned Obesity Researcher Becomes Director of Helmholtz Institute in Leipzig

As of December 1, 2019, Prof. Dr. Matthias Blüher is the director of the Helmholtz Institute for Metabolic, Obesity and Vascular Research (HI-MAG), an…

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29. November 2019

DZD Scientist PD Dr. Julia Szendrödi Receives Award for Habilitation Thesis

To date, the mechanisms of insulin resistance in skeletal muscles and other tissues of type 2 diabetes patients are not completely understood. In her…

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27. November 2019

Leibniz Association Senate Recommends Further Funding for DIfE

Following a positive evaluation, the Leibniz Association Senate recommends further funding for DIfE by the federal and state governments. On November…

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22. November 2019

Diabetology: Deficits in the Promotion of Young Talents – Increasing Demands

Diabetology faces major challenges due to a decrease in the number of chairs in diabetology and increasing numbers of people with diabetes. Professor…

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20. November 2019

World Diabetes Experience Day: Large Crowds at the DZD Stand

Interactive games, expert tips on nutrition, exercise and diabetes, the latest from diabetes research – the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD)…

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15. November 2019

Researchers discover a new way in which insulin interacts with its receptor

Since the discovery of insulin nearly 100 years ago, scientists have explored how it interacts with its receptor with the goal of improving the…

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14. November 2019

DZD Scientist in Morning Magazine about Diabetes

As an expert, PD Dr. Julia Szendrödi from the DZD partner Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum in Düsseldorf was a guest on ARD's morning magazine MOMA. She…

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13. November 2019

New DFG Research Training Group to Investigate Early Development of Type 2 Diabetes

What are the molecular mechanisms of the early development of type 2 diabetes? This question will be investigated at the Heinrich Heine University of…

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12. November 2019

Early Detection of Diabetes: Information Event at the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) in Conjunction with World Diabetes Day 2019

Do you know if your family members have risk factors for diabetes? How can diabetes be prevented and detected early? What can you do if you or a…

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11. November 2019

“LASST UNS ÜBER 1 REDEN“: New Campaign Drives Dialogue on Type 1 Diabetes

Starting November 10, the Institute for Diabetes Research at DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München is carrying out a dialogue campaign titled “LASST…

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08. November 2019

DZD at World Diabetes Day: Risk Test, Interactive Games and Valuable Information from Diabetes Research

November 14 is World Diabetes Day. Numerous activities will take place around this date in order to draw attention to the metabolic disease and its…

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08. November 2019

DZD Professor Jens Brüning awarded Heinrich Wieland Prize 2019

Professor Jens Brüning, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolic Research in Cologne and Associate Partner of the German Centre for Diabetes…

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07. November 2019

Phone Campaign of the German Center for Health Education: How to Protect against Type 2 Diabetes

How can I determine my diabetes risk? How can I prevent type 2 diabetes? What are the symptoms of a possible disease? These and other questions will…

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06. November 2019

Active Throughout Life: Fun Exercise with PFIFF

Regular exercise can be so easy. In order to give children a further incentive for an active lifestyle, the SMS initiative of the DZD partner German…

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06. November 2019

What and how much we eat might change our internal clocks and hormone responses

For the first time, a study led by researchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München and the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) shows how glucocorticoid…

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25. October 2019

Helmholtz Zentrum München allies with Eli Lilly and Company to discover new targets for pancreatic beta cell regeneration in the treatment of diabetes

The Institute of Diabetes and Regeneration Research at the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München and the global pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and…

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18. October 2019

DZD scientist among the Sanofi iAward winners again

Dr. Christian Herder from the DZD partner Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum in Düsseldorf is one of the scientists to receive a Sanofi iAward in 2019. He was…

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15. October 2019

Prof. Andreas Birkenfeld is the New Head of the DZD partner institution in Tübingen

Since October 1, the Institute of Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases (IDM) of the Helmholtz Zentrum München in Tübingen is headed by Prof. Dr.…

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15. October 2019

Study on early detection of type 1 diabetes reaches milestone and continues

The Institute of Diabetes Research of the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München has now registered 100,000 participants in the Bavarian study "Fr1da"…

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14. October 2019

Discovery of potential novel therapeutic target for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

One of the key comorbidities of type-2-diabetes is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). With an increasing prevalence worldwide and no treatment…

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11. October 2019

Helmholtz Zentrum München Highly Successful in Diabetes Research Publications

Munich is the hotspot for the most cited minds in the field of diabetes research, as is shown by the citation comparison of the journal…

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01. October 2019

Open Positions for PhD Students at the International Helmholtz Research School for Diabetes

The International Helmholtz Research School for Diabetes is offering up to four PhD positions at the Helmholtz Diabetes Center, three year employment…

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19. September 2019

Hans-Hench PhD Award for DZD scientist Isabelle Serr

Dr. Isabelle Serr from the Institute for Diabetes Research (IDF) at the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München was awarded the Hans-Hench Doctoral…

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09. September 2019

With Diabetes throughout Life: Large Crowd of Visitors at the 17th Diabetes Day in Düsseldorf

Intensive discussions with experts on topics such as diabetes in childhood and adolescence, secondary diseases and diabetes care: The 17th Düsseldorf…

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05. September 2019

Activated insulin receptor adorns title page of "BIOspektrum”

Almost 100 years after the discovery of insulin, a German-American research team, including DZD scientists, published how exactly the hormone…

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04. September 2019

Helmholtz Zentrum München boosts excellence in research

On September 3, the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München celebrated two milestones. Themed “Building the Future of Health” the inauguration of the…

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03. September 2019

Diabetes Health Parcours: Get Informed and Active at the 17th Düsseldorf Diabetes Day

Hand grip strength test, running analysis, nutrition consultation: On Saturday, September 7, 2019, a varied program awaits visitors to the 17th…

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29. August 2019

10 Years DZD - the Video to the Anniversary

The German Centre for Diabetes Research (DZD) celebrated its 10th anniversary in June 2019. During the ceremony in Berlin with companions from…

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22. August 2019

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention: Can Diabetes Risk Be Lowered by Consuming Whole Grain Products?

Numerous studies have shown that dietary behavior plays a role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. In an umbrella review, scientists at the DZD…

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12. August 2019

Fresh Off the Press: DIfE Biennial Report in Magazine Look

With new sections, bright colors and a lively layout, the just published Biennial Report 2017/2018 of the DZD partner German Institute of Human…

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06. August 2019

A New Diabetes Classification? Subgroups of Type 2 Diabetes have Specific Risk of Diabetes-Associated Diseases such as Fatty Liver and Neuropathy

The traditional classification of diabetes, mainly in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, has been challenged by studies from Scandinavia. In the current…

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05. August 2019

100,000 babies screened for increased type 1 diabetes risk in Freder1k Study

It is a major milestone for one of Europe’s biggest health research cooperations: The international platform GPPAD (“The Global Platform for the…

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01. August 2019

Three Years of Pea Noodles and Canola Oil – What is the Effect?

Plenty of plant proteins, healthy fats and fiber – for three years Michael Nowak * followed a plant-based dietary pattern and came for regular tests…

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25. July 2019

Preventing Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence: Prize for the "FreizeitFit4Kids" Prevention Program of RIN Diabetes

As part of the "FreizeitFit4Kids" project, RIN Diabetes of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center (DDZ) together with the Düsseldorf Youth Welfare…

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11. July 2019

DZD Board Member Hrabě de Angelis to Become a Member of the Leopoldina

Prof. Dr. Martin Hrabě de Angelis has become a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina for his services to metabolic genetics. The…

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03. July 2019

Promising Approach: Prevent Diabetes with Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is known to improve sensitivity to the blood glucose-lowering hormone insulin and to protect against fatty liver. DZD scientists…

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28. June 2019

DZD Celebrates 10 Years of Successful Activities in the Fight against Diabetes

On June 24, 2019, 10 years to the day since the signing of the founding documents, the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) celebrated its…

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25. June 2019

Skipping Meat on Occasion May Protect Against Type 2 Diabetes

People who eat less live longer and healthier lives – many studies point out the positive effect of (intermittent) fasting. However, besides calorie…

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24. June 2019

10 Years DZD: Working to Achieve Precise Treatment and Prevention Strategies for Diabetes

The DZD was founded ten years ago, on June 24, 2009, upon the initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. More than 400…

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19. June 2019

New drug reduces risk of death in patients with type 2 diabetes

In Germany, about one in ten people suffer from diabetes. Diabetes patients still die two to three times more frequently from cardiovascular diseases…

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17. June 2019

Science instead of pillow fight - 17th Long Night of the Sciences Dresden

Jointly marveling, researching, laughing, experimenting and communicating. 39,000 visitors at 700 events in Dresden's scientific institutes, that was…

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12. June 2019

Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony at DIfE for New Research Building

On June 11, 2019 Dr. Birgit Schröder-Smeibidl and Professor Tilman Grune, together with Carsten Feller, head of the Department of Science and Research…

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06. June 2019

The DDZ Opens New Center of Competence for Innovative Diabetes Therapy (KomIT) Comprised of Eight Partners

In a festive ceremony, the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) officially opened its new Competence Center for Innovative Diabetes Therapy (KomIT), a…

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03. June 2019

Paul Langerhans Institut Dresden at the 11. REWE Team Challenge

Huge, loud, highly emotional. The eleventh edition of the REWE Team Challenge has set new standards with an incredible 25,000 participants - more than…

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31. May 2019

DZD Researchers Honored at the 2019 Diabetes Congress

The German Diabetes Society (DDG) honors several researchers of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) at its congress in Berlin (May 28th to…

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27. May 2019

Innovative Diabetes Research for Future Care

Currently, about seven million people in Germany suffer from diabetes. The incidence is rising rapidly: By 2040, the number of people with diabetes is…

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21. May 2019

Diabetes Congress 2019: “Diabetes – Not Only a Question of Type”

Under the motto "Diabetes – Not Only a Question of Type", the latest developments in diabetes research and treatment will be discussed at the Diabetes…

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21. May 2019

6th Diabetes Patient Day: Strong visitor response

Along with current knowledge from medicine and research, high-level speakers at the Diabetes Patient Day presented tips and help for daily life with…

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16. May 2019

Diabetes Prevention: Football Training with a Focus on Kinesiology

The participating children of the SMS initiative of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center completed a training session with the football trainer and…

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13. May 2019

Potsdam Science Day – Diabetes Research at DIfE

The German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE), partner of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), took part in the Potsdam…

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10. May 2019

Ulm: Open Position in Epidemiology and Medical Biometry

At the University of Ulm, in the Institute for Epidemiology and Medical Biometry, Department ZIBMT, there is a part-time/doctoral and habilitation…

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09. May 2019

Düsseldorf: Open Postdoc Position

The Institute for Clinical Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center in Düsseldorf is looking for a Post-doctoral…

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30. April 2019

DZG at DGIM: Research for People's Health

A focus of this year's 125th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Internal Medicine (DGIM) on May 4-7 in Wiesbaden will be on the German Centers…

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08. April 2019

For Diabetes Experts of Tomorrow: 1st Diabetes Day in Aachen

The first Diabetes Day in Aachen at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) on April 5th was aimed at students of medicine, biology…

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08. April 2019

Food preferences firmly in view

The gaze of another influences food choice. Thus, a food gains greater value when previously viewed by another person. This has been discovered by a…

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03. April 2019

"Our Medicine is Research"

The aim of SYNERGIE, the new magazine published jointly by the German Centers of Health Research (DZG,) is to present modern medical research and…

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29. March 2019

First Time: Orally Available GLP-1 Agonist More Effective than DPP-IV Inhibitor

With the participation of researchers from the Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden (PLID), partner at the German Center for Diabetes Research, a GLP-1…

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28. March 2019

Potsdam: Open Position for Junior Research Group Leader

For the field of cognitive control of eating behavior and food intake, the DZD partner German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke has a…

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27. March 2019

Diabetes Prevention: Moving More Together

The children of the SMS initiative of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center train at the Düsseldorf Sports Club 1899.


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25. March 2019

Soyoung Q Park Heads New Department of Decision Neuroscience at DIfE

The psychologist and brain researcher Soyoung Q Park has accepted the joint appointment to a W3 professorship of the DZD partner, the German Institute…

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22. March 2019

Heidelberg: Open Position at DZD Studies Outpatient Clinic

The DZD studies outpatient clinic at the Centre for Internal Medicine in the Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Clinical Chemistry at the…

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21. March 2019

The Basics for a Balanced Diet

The children taking part in the SMS initiative of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center completed their nutrition pilot license on the occasion of…

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19. March 2019

GNC Study Center Berlin-South/Brandenburg Welcomes 10,000th Study Participant

With the 10,000th participant, Germany’s largest health study, the German National Cohort Health Study (GNC, German abbreviation: NAKO), is now also…

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14. March 2019

New Method for Molecular Profiling of Adipose Tissue

The Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden, a partner of the DZD, and the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus joined their forces with Lipotype GmbH and…

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13. March 2019

Early Detection of Type 1 Diabetes: Study Center Opened

In the presence of Dr. Melanie Huml, Bavarian State Minister for Health and Care, the Institute of Diabetes Research at Helmholtz Zentrum München,…

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13. March 2019

Munich: Open Position for PhD in Metabolism

The Institute of Experimental Genetics (IEG) at Helmholtz Zentrum München, a partner in the DZD, has an open position to fill for a PhD scientist in…

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12. March 2019

Insulin: Protective Adaptive Mechanism in the Brain

Insulin helps neurons produce a specific class of proteins that are important for brain health. This is the result of a study in mice by DZD…

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05. March 2019

International Cooperation also for Young Scientists

The Swedish University of Lund, a cooperation partner of the DZD, is holding a postgraduate course in diabetes research at the end of March. A broad…

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05. March 2019

Two Open Positions in the DZD Head Office

At the Head Office of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) in Munich, two positions as scientific biobank manager and scientific project…

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04. March 2019

Inspiring Children: SMS is Cooking with PFIFF

As part of the initiative “SMS. Be smart. Join in. Be fit.”, elementary schoolchildren learn that a balanced diet is a key prerequisite for the…

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19. February 2019

New Competence Center for Innovative Diabetes Therapy (KomIT) Funded by NRW and EU

Over the next three years, a new competence center will be established at the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) with funds from the state of North…

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19. February 2019

Together Against Common Diseases: Clinical-Oriented Research on Cancer, Diabetes and Neurodegenerative Diseases

On Tuesday February 12th, 2019, the three German Centers for Health Research (DZG) located in Dresden, the Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden of the…

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14. February 2019

The Lypla1 Gene Impacts Obesity in a Sex-Specific Manner

Susceptibility to obesity, insulin resistance and other cardio-metabolic traits may also be dependent on a person’s sex. An international research…

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07. February 2019

Number of People with Type 2 Diabetes Projected to Increase to 12 Million in Germany by 2040

Currently, depending on the respective estimate, at least 7.2 percent of the population in Germany have diabetes, most of them type 2 diabetes. The…

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06. February 2019

Active Start to a Healthy Life

Düsseldorf's largest sports club, the SFD '75, supports the initiative "SMS. Be smart. Join in. Be fit" in the fight against lifestyle-related…

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06. February 2019

Genetic Variant Associated with Improved Glycemic Response to Metformin

Many individuals with type 2 diabetes take the diabetes drug metformin to improve their blood glucose levels. A team of scientists at the DZD partner…

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05. February 2019

A Fun Approach to a Healthy Lifestyle

At PreSchoolSports, the children participating in the initiative “SMS. Be smart. Join in. Be fit.” can try out a wide range of sports activities.

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01. February 2019

Diabetes Guide for the Düsseldorf Region: Up-to-Date Information

It is often not easy for people with diabetes to find information about relevant offerings and services in their vicinity. The Regional Innovation…

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31. January 2019

Identity Crisis of Satiety Neurons Leads to Obesity

Obesity − as research in the past decade has shown − is first and foremost a brain disease. Researchers at Helmholtz Zentrum München, partners in the…

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30. January 2019

DZD Researcher Fritsche in the SWR Documentation "Droge Zucker" (Drug Sugar)

DZD researcher Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Fritsche explained the effects of high sugar consumption on unborn children in the SWR documentation series…

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29. January 2019

DZD Scientist Awarded Dr. Eickelberg Foundation Prize

Oana-Patricia Zaharia, a young scientist at the DZD partner German Diabetes Center (DDZ) has been awarded the Dr. Eickelberg Foundation Prize 2018. In…

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25. January 2019

Helmholtz Scientists Identify the Causes of Cortisone Induced Side Effects

Patients undergoing long-term treatment with steroids may suffer from metabolic side effects. Researchers at the Helmholtz Zentrum München and the…

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18. January 2019

DZD Scientists in 3sat on the Topic of "Fasting"

"Healthy through fasting" is the theme of a current documentary on 3sat. Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig, scientific director of the DZD partner Helmholtz…

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19. December 2018

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The German Center for Diabetes Research wishes you merry christmas and a happy new year.

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05. December 2018

New Center for Research, Teaching and Therapy under Construction in Dresden

Experts in internal medicine, endocrinology, immunology, surgery, transplantation medicine, cell biology and materials science will jointly develop…

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03. December 2018

Dr. Theresia Gutmann Awarded with GBM Innovation Award for Young Scientists

During the 22nd Joint Meeting of the Signal Transduction Society and the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) in Weimar, Dr. Theresia…

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28. November 2018

Association of Area Deprivation and Regional Disparities in the Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

How the autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes is treated also depends on where the patients live in Germany. In socio-economically weaker regions,…

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26. November 2018

Open Position: Full Professor (W3) of Diabetology, Endocrinology, Nephrology

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tübingen invites applications for a position as a Full Professor (W3) of Diabetology, Endocrinology,…

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26. November 2018

Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany awarded to Prof. Stefan R. Bornstein

With this award, the Federal Government honored his scientific and social commitment to the community.

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19. November 2018

Diabetes Health Day in Tübingen

Tübingen University Hospital is organizing a Diabetes Health Day event on November 22nd at 7 p.m. in cooperation with the Tagblatt. In the Sparkassen…

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12. November 2018

World Diabetes Day 2018: 6 Facts to Know about Diabetes

In Germany, more people die of diabetes and its sequelae than previously thought. Being slim does not automatically mean protection against diabetes.…

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09. November 2018

Professor Michael Roden Receives the 2018 Morgagni Gold Medal

Professor Michael Roden, board member of the German Diabetes Center (DDZ) – Leibniz Center for Diabetes Research, director of the Department of…

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08. November 2018

New Marker Provides Insights into the Development of Type 2 Diabetes

Small chemical changes in the DNA building blocks, which may be influenceable by lifestyle factors, can reduce the amount of IGFBP2. A DIfE / DZD…

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05. November 2018

Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Prize for DZD Researcher

The Cologne-based hormone researcher and molecular biologist Jens Claus Brüning, associate partner in the German Center for Diabetes Research, has…

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31. October 2018

Düsseldorf Active in World Diabetes Day on November 14th

Early detection of diabetes: Get involved in Düsseldorf Diabetes Week 2018! The aim of Düsseldorf Diabetes Week 2018 from November 12-18 is to raise…

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25. October 2018

DZD Researcher Norbert Stefan Appointed Visiting Professor at Harvard Medical School

Professor Norbert Stefan, MD, Heisenberg Professor for Clinical Experimental Diabetology at the University of Tübingen and researcher at the German…

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24. October 2018

Making Use of Big Data for Personalized Diabetes Prevention

Since 1980, the number of people with diabetes has quadrupled worldwide. In Germany alone, almost 7 million people suffer from this metabolic disease,…

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23. October 2018

Two-pronged approach – Novel combined therapy tackles excess fatty tissue

A new combined therapy for obesity and diabetes has been shown to suppress the appetite and at the same time increase energy expenditure. Scientists…

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23. October 2018

Honorary Doctorates for DZD Board Member Martin Habrĕ de Angelis

The Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine of TU Dresden has awarded Professor Martin Hrabě de Angelis an honorary doctorate in recognition of his…

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18. October 2018

DZD Scientists at IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung

The Bayern 2 radio programme "IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung" (IQ - Science and Research) dealt on 16.10.2018 with the topic "Personalised medicine -…

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11. October 2018

The DZD Wins Graphie Award

The German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) has been awarded the 2018 Neo4j Graphie Award for its work using graph technology in the field of…

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11. October 2018

Open Assistant Position in the DZD Head Office

At the Head Office of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) in Munich, a position as assistant and eventmanager is to be filled as soon as…

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10. October 2018

Go out and play!

Children who have a first-degree relative with type 1 or gestational diabetes can also improve their insulin sensitivity through exercise, meaning…

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09. October 2018

Obesity: Satiety in 3D

Many overweight people lack the feeling of being full. It was long thought that this was due to the disrupted transport of the satiety hormone leptin…

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08. October 2018

Door Opener Day with the Mouse at the Institute of Diabetes Research

On the occasion of the "Door Opener Day" campaign of the "Sendung mit der Maus" (WDR) TV program, the Institute of Diabetes Research (IDF) of the DZD…

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04. October 2018

DZD Researcher Professor Nawroth Awarded the Camillo Golgi Prize

Peter Nawroth was awarded the renowned Camillo Golgi Prize at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). The…

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04. October 2018

Increased Blood Flow triggers Liver Regeneration

The liver is one of the few human organs that completely regenerates within a few weeks after more than half of the organ has been removed. However,…

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04. October 2018

Direct Exchange of Researchers and Patients

The event DZD meets #dedoc had a successful premiere at the EASD annual conference in Berlin. Young scientists and patients talked to each other about…

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02. October 2018

Presentation of Achievements in Translational Research

Information on translational diabetes research, presentation of current research results, meetings between young scientists and people with diabetes –…

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28. September 2018

DZD Researcher Annette Peters Named Board Chair of the NAKO Health Study

As of October 1, 2018, Professor Annette Peters of the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München will take over the chairmanship of the NAKO Health Study.…

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26. September 2018

6th DZD Diabetes Research School about to start

The 6th DZD Diabetes Research School is just around the corner: It will take place from 29 September to 1 October in Berlin. The international event…

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24. September 2018

Anne Grapin-Botton affiliated to the Dresden Diabetes Program

With her appointment as new MPI-CBG director in September 2018, Prof. Anne Grapin-Botton is also joining the DZD partner Paul Langerhans Institute…

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20. September 2018

The Curse of the Sugar Cube: Professor Blitz Delights around 300 Pupils with Magic Nutrition Tricks

The children stare at the magician Professor Blitz in disbelief, then the applause erupts. The magician has just conjured up a large sugar cube into a…

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19. September 2018

DZD Meets #dedoc – Diabetes Online Community Perspectives of Patients and Researchers

What drives the young researchers? What do people with diabetes hope from science? These questions will be discussed at the event "DZD trifft #dedoc"…

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14. September 2018

Young Investigator Workshop in Bioanalytics: Basic Lab Techniques and Latest Methods

Chemists, molecular biologists and physicians learned about the latest methods in the field of bioanalytics at the German Diabetes Center (DDZ), a…

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11. September 2018

DZD scientists at "W wie Wissen" on the subject of interval fasting

Prof. Dr. Stephan Herzig from the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München explains the effects of interval fasting in the ARD broadcast "W wie Wissen".…

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10. September 2018

Extensive insights into metabolism – the orchestra in the body

A recent paper published in the scientific journal Cell gives an unprecedented insight into the metabolic interactions that occur throughout the body…

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07. September 2018

Two New German Centers for Health Research

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) will provide even more funding for research into mental health and child and youth health. The…

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07. September 2018

Numerous Preventive Offers at the Düsseldorf Diabetes Day

Free check-ups for blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol level: participate in the new health parcourse, get numerous medical check-ups for free…

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04. September 2018

DZD Annual Report Published: Digitization Enables Diabetes Research in a New Dimension

The German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) has published its Annual Report 2017. On 60 pages, not only current figures, data and facts about the…

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04. September 2018

Georges Köhler Prize awarded to DZD Scientist

Dr. Carolin Daniel of DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München has been awarded the Georges-Köhler Prize for outstanding junior scientists by the German…

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03. September 2018

DZD in Cause study diabetes

In its current focus, the science channel sheds light on the topic of diabetes. How does diabetes develop? What types of metabolic…

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31. August 2018

Novel Concepts for the Diagnosis of Fatty Liver and Personalized Treatment

Almost one in three adults in industrialized countries suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver. For the affected people this increases the risk of…

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30. August 2018

Combating constant hunger

A plant-derived substance widely used in traditional Chinese medicine has demonstrated promising weight loss effects. The findings of a study…

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23. August 2018

Numb, Burning and Tingling Sensations in the Feet: New Biomarkers of Inflammation Identified as Risk Factors for Neuropathy

Polyneuropathy is one of the most common complications in people with diabetes. However, it can also occur with certain risk factors or diseases…

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22. August 2018

How do muscles know what time it is?

How do muscle cells prepare for the particular metabolic challenges of the day? Scientists at Helmholtz Zentrum München and…

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21. August 2018

Training on type 1 diabetes

"Type 1 Diabetes - Stress, Immunity and the Beta Cell" is the theme of this year's Oktoberfest Symposium, which takes place in Munich on October 2.…

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16. August 2018

Digital prevention center: with data against diabetes

DZD scientist and board member Prof. Martin Hrabé de Angelis is planning a digital diabetes prevention center at the partner location Helmholtz…

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08. August 2018

NutriAct Family Study: Food Choices, Influence of Origin Family and Adult Partner

Even before birth, the family sets the course for later eating behavior. But what happens when the cards are reshuffled? Can people change their…

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06. August 2018

New Institute of Translational Stem Cell Research at Helmholtz Zentrum München

Starting August 1, Prof. Dr. Henrik Semb will head the newly established Institute of Translational Stem Cell Research at the DZD partner Helmholtz…

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03. August 2018

DZD scientist in the BR on type 1 diabetes

A contribution of the programme "Gut zu Wissen" by Bayerischer Rundfunk deals with the topic of type 1 diabetes. Prof. Dr. Anette-Gabriele Ziegler,…

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02. August 2018

DZD Scientist at BR Campus TALKS

In the programme Campus TALKS on 31.07.2018, Prof. Stephan Herzig, Director of the Institute for Diabetes and Cancer at DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum…

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02. August 2018

Matthias Tschöp appointed new CEO of Helmholtz Zentrum München

Professor Matthias Tschöp, MD, has been appointed the new CEO of DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München. He took over from Professor Günther Wess, who…

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24. July 2018

Children of mothers with type 1 diabetes have a higher body mass index

Children of mothers with type 1 diabetes are at significantly higher risk of being overweight and of exhibiting insulin resistance. This was published…

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12. July 2018

Fascination Judo: Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle and Transmission of Values

The Judo Club 71 offers the elementary school students of the SMS initiative of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center a judo trial training.

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11. July 2018

High Prevalence of Restrictive Lung Disease in People with Type 2 Diabetes

Breathlessness and conditions of restrictive lung disease (RLD), such as pulmonary fibrosis, may be a late complication of type 2 diabetes. These are…

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10. July 2018

Interdisciplinary Conference: Globally leading experts in Diabetes, Metabolism and Biomedical Engineering meet to discuss future concepts for Precision Medicine

New technologies enable deeper insights into the causes of major diseases such as diabetes, obesity or cancer and open the way to a new generation of…

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09. July 2018

6th DZD Diabetes Research School - application now open!

The 6th DZD Diabetes Research School will take place in Berlin from September 29 to October 1, 2018. The School's speakers list includes renowned…

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04. July 2018

The Mediterranean Diet Is Healthy – Even Far Away from Mediterranean Regions

New analyses of the EPIC-Potsdam study show that a Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes even outside the Mediterranean region. In…

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29. June 2018

DZD scientist among the winners of the Sanofi iAward

Dr. Daniel Markgraf from DZD partner Deutsches Diabetes-Zentrum is one of the winners of the newly created iAward from Sanofi. His work on…

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28. June 2018

Inspiring Children to Exercise with the Aim of Preventing Diabetes

High Jump Champion Hendrik Beyer visited the Mosaikschule und and conducted a sports session with children participating in the SMS initiative of the…

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27. June 2018

Günther Wess Receives the Bavarian Order of Merit

Professor Günther Wess was honored with the Bavarian Order of Merit for his many years of service to the scientific location of Munich in general and…

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27. June 2018

Sensory Training to Support Healthy Development

The advanced training course in motor skills training of the Präha Weber School conducts a sensory classroom with the primary school children…

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21. June 2018

Initiatives for Franco-German Research Funding – with the Participation of the DZD

German Research Minister Anja Karliczek and her French colleague Frédérique Vidal initiated a series of measures at the 6th Forum for Franco-German…

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20. June 2018

The DZD Congratulates the Magazine Diabetes Ratgeber on its 40th Anniversary

DZD board member Professor Martin Hrabĕ de Angelis and Dr. Eckhart von Hirschhausen were the keynote speakers on June 19th at the 40th anniversary…

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20. June 2018

Specific Liver Fats: Warning Signs of Fatty Liver Disease and Insulin Resistance

Overweight and type 2 diabetes are associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Worldwide, about 50 to 75 percent of people with type 2…

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18. June 2018

Diabetes Information Booth at the 16th Long Night of Science, Dresden

As in previous years, the DZD partner Paul Langerhans Institut Dresden (PLID) took part in the Dresden Long Night of Science with its own information…

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15. June 2018

Discovering the Diversity of Herbs Using All the Senses

The primary school children participating in the SMS initiative of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center visit the Central School Garden of the City…

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15. June 2018

Diabetes Prevention: Exercise and Fun in the Water

With the Aqua Trampoline, the Düsseldorf municipal swimming pool company offers the children participating in the SMS initiative of the DZD partner…

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14. June 2018

Helmholtz Institute for Metabolic, Obesity and Vascular Research (HI-MAG) founded

Diabetes affects large numbers of people in Germany, and complications of the disease make it one of the biggest health challenges facing society. To…

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13. June 2018

Prize for Interdisciplinary Cooperation for DZD Researchers

The research team headed by Professor Heiko Lickert has been awarded the Prize for Interdisciplinary Cooperation of the Friends and Supporters…

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11. June 2018

Fortuna Düsseldorf Supports Fight Against Diabetes

Fortuna Düsseldorf invites the primary school children participating in the SMS Initiative of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center to the Young…

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01. June 2018

Heart Attack and Stroke Risk Also Elevated in Women with Obesity Who Are Metabolically Healthy

Women with obesity are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even if they are considered to be metabolically healthy. Moreover, women of normal…

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25. May 2018

20,000 participants, 16 DZD runners and a world record!

This year the REWE Team Challenge (RTC) in Dresden celebrated its 10th birthday – runners of the DZD partner Paul Langerhans Institute joined in, too.…

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23. May 2018

Abdominal Fat Secretes Novel Adipokine Promoting Insulin Resistance and Inflammation

An international research team in which the DZD is participating has identified a novel adipokine that favors the development of insulin resistance…

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21. May 2018

Motivating Kids to Discover the Fun of Exercise

Together with the Football Factory, the SMS initiative organized a one-day football camp for the participating primary school children.

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17. May 2018

Support for Diabetes Prevention

Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf Supports the Social Commitment of the SMS Initiative of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center.

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11. May 2018

Award-winning Science: DZD Experts To Be Honored at the Diabetes Congress

Several researchers from the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) have been selected to receive awards or grants of the German Diabetes Society…

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11. May 2018

Nutrition Education Up Close

Primary school children participating in the SMS initiative of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center visited the Hercules Bakery.

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11. May 2018

Clinical Research: DDZ Scientist Receives the Ferdinand Bertram Prize

Dr. Julia Szendrödi, head of the Clinical Study Center at the German Diabetes Center (DDZ), was awarded the Ferdinand Bertram Prize at this year's…

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07. May 2018

DZD at the DDG Diabetes Congress: New Approaches to Diabetes Prevention

In Germany, about half a million people are newly diagnosed with diabetes every year. But how can the disease be treated or even prevented? At the…

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24. April 2018

2nd Franco-German Conference: Joining Forces against the Diabetes Epidemic

The agenda of the 2nd Franco-German Conference on Diabetes Research (April 19-20) contained many exciting elements, including the presentation of…

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16. April 2018

New Clinical Study of the DZD Started

The "Triangle" smartphone app helps women who developed diabetes during pregnancy adapt to a healthy lifestyle routine. The Test Triangle Study of the…

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13. April 2018

Great interest in 2nd German-French Conference on Diabetes Research

With over 160 participants, the second German-French Conference on Diabetes Research will take place next week. In addition to leading scientists from…

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12. April 2018

Open Bioinformatic Positions in the DZD Head Office

At the Head Office of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) in Munich, two positions in bioinformatics are to be filled as soon as possible.

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05. April 2018

Improved Assessment of the Genetic Risk of Type 1 Diabetes

An international research group headed by scientists from the DZD partner Helmholtz Zentrum München has developed a method for calculating the risk…

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28. March 2018

Baden-Württemberg: Significantly Reduced Risk of Going Blind among People with and without Diabetes

So far, Germany has lacked reliable figures for the comparison of blindness incidence in people with and without diabetes as well as a time-trend…

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27. March 2018

Award for DZD Scientist

Dr. Stephanie Kullmann has been awarded the Ernst and Berta Scharrer Prize of the German Society of Endocrinology (DGE) for her research on…

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23. March 2018

DZD Professor Matthias Tschöp elected member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

The Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities has elected Professor Matthias Tschöp to the ranks of its 200 ordinary members. According to the…

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14. March 2018

DZD Researcher Tim Schulz Awarded Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize for Young Researchers

The 2018 Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize for Young Researchers will be awarded today to Professor Tim Schulz in recognition of his…

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27. February 2018

Olympic Champion Udo Hempel Supports Diabetes Prevention

Udo Hempel highlights the fascination of sports in a talk to primary school children participating in the SMS initiative.


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27. February 2018

Study decodes new diabetes genes

Scientists have identified a network of genes that could play an important role in the development of metabolic diseases such as diabetes. A research…

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07. February 2018

2nd German-French Conference on Diabetes Research

On April 19-20, 2018 the second German-French Conference on Diabetes Research will take place at the French Embassy in Berlin. It continues the…

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31. January 2018

Prostate Cancer: Poor Prognosis in Men with Diabetes

Men with type 2 diabetes are less likely to develop prostate cancer than patients without diabetes. However, the mortality rate is higher. Researchers…

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24. January 2018

DZD Researcher Receives Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize for Young Scientists

Professor Tim J. Schulz of the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE) will be awarded the internationally renowned Paul Ehrlich…

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22. January 2018

Mediterranean Diet Especially Suitable for People with Diabetes

Compared to eight other diets, the Mediterranean diet is best suited to improve blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. This is the…

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05. January 2018

Open Assistant Position in the DZD Head Office

At the Head Office of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) in Munich, a position as assistant is to be filled as soon as possible.

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07. December 2017

Sport Lessons with Top Athletes

The primary school children participating in the initiative "SMS. Be smart. Join in. Be fit." of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center completed a…

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04. December 2017

Incidence of Depression Twice as High in People with Diabetes

In Germany, more than 6.5 million people have diabetes, most of them type 2. Of these, an estimated 800,000 people also suffer from a depression that…

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01. December 2017

DZD Scientist Tschöp receives Charles H. Best Lectureship and Award

Every two years the University of Toronto nominates a speaker to deliver the prestigious Charles H. Best Lecture, and presents a corresponding award.…

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17. November 2017

DZD Researcher on HR TV “Slim yet Diabetic”

Even people with a healthy lifestyle and who exercise regularly can suffer from diabetes. What is the reason for this?

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14. November 2017

Women with Diabetes: 50 Percent Increased Risk of Stroke

Women with diabetes have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Studies from the German Diabetes Center show that the risk of stroke…

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10. November 2017

World Diabetes Day: The General Public Can Help to Improve Diabetes Prevention

Worldwide, there are about 415 million people with diabetes. In Germany alone, more than 6.7 million people have the disease, and up to 500,000 people…

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08. November 2017

Diabetes-related Mortality in Germany Higher Than Expected

In Germany, nationwide data on mortality attributable to diagnosed diabetes are not available. Researchers at the DZD partner German Diabetes Center…

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07. November 2017

DDZ Researcher Receives 1.5 Million Euros in EU Funding

Dr. Bengt-Frederik Belgardt, deputy director of the Institute for Beta Cell Biology at the German Diabetes Center (Deutsches Diabetes Zentrum, DDZ), a…

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03. November 2017

How Obesity Promotes Breast Cancer

Obesity leads to the release of cytokines into the bloodstream which impact the metabolism of breast cancer cells, making them more aggressive as a…

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03. November 2017

DZD Scientist Reports about a “Bioreactor” on the ARD TV Program Midday Magazine

Scientists of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) at TU Dresden have developed a bioreactor that secretes insulin.

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26. October 2017

Artificial Pancreas: Successful Transplantation of Animal Beta Cells

Research Team with DZD Participation Reports Successful Pig-Islet Xenotransplantation without Immunosuppression

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18. October 2017

DZG Training Course: From Invention to Clinical Product

For the first time, the DZD offers a joint advanced training course for young scientists of the German Centers for Health Research (DZG): "Translating…

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06. October 2017

Fighting Diabetes: Ex-Pros Kick for a Good Cause

When referee legend Walter Eschweiler, cult reporter Werner Hansch,"Euro Fighter" Ingo Anderbrügge, the honorary captain of Fortuna Düsseldorf Gerd…

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26. September 2017

Diabetes Researcher Professor Hans-Georg Joost Awarded the Von Mering Gold Medal

The Potsdam-based diabetes researcher Professor Hans-Georg Joost, founding member and board member of diabetesDE - German Diabetes Aid, ombudsperson…

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22. September 2017

Uncovering β-cell heterogeneity by tracing developmental origins

Dr. Nikolay Ninov, group leader at the DFG research center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), Cluster of Excellence at the TU Dresden, and…

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13. September 2017

DZD Annual Report 2016 Published

The current annual report of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) is available online as download.

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08. September 2017

Immune cells help fat deal with environmental challenges

Immunosuppressive regulatory T-cells play an important role in the functioning of adipose tissue. This is the discovery of scientists from the…

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07. September 2017

DZD Scientist Matthias Tschöp to Receive Carus Medal

For the first time, the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina will award the Carus Medal to a diabetes researcher. This year’s award will go…

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05. September 2017

Malaria in Pregnancy: Possible Cause for Metabolic Traits in the Offspring

There is a direct link between malaria during pregnancy and the later occurrence of metabolic traits in the offspring. These include impaired glucose…

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24. August 2017

DZD Researcher to Receive DGE Award

The DZD researcher Andreas Müller has been selected to receive this year’s award of the German Society for Electron Microscopy (DGE). The award will…

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21. August 2017

Nearly One in Four Hospitalized Patients Has Diabetes

One in four patients in a university hospital suffers from diabetes (22 percent), and again as many suffer from prediabetes (24 percent). These were…

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18. August 2017

Organ Crosstalk: Fatty Liver Can Cause Damage to Other Organs

The consensus among scientists until now has been that overweight people have an increased risk for diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and heart…

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10. August 2017

Long-Term Diabetes Complication: Liver Inflammation Raises Cholesterol Levels

Inflammatory processes in the liver lead to elevated cholesterol levels in people with diabetes, thus promoting subsequent vascular diseases. This is…

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07. July 2017

Fit for the School Day with Whole Grain Bread

The school children participating in the initiative "SMS. Be smart. Join In. Be fit." of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center gain insight into the…

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28. June 2017

Joint Initiative to Get Düsseldorf Primary School Children Moving

The initiative “SMS. Be smart. Join in. Be fit." of the DZD partner German Diabetes Center has joined up with the project “Wanted: Sandlot Football…

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07. June 2017

TV Program “RBB Praxis” with DZD Scientists: Diabetes – Is a Cure Possible?

Professor Annette Schürmann, Dr. Stefan Kabisch and Dr. Gisela Olias of the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke, a DZD partner, were…

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24. April 2017

DZD at the March for Science in Munich

About 3,000 people took to the streets in Munich on April 22nd to demonstrate for a free science. The DZD participated with an information stand at…

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04. April 2017

Hansen Family Award goes to the DZD Scientists Brüning and Tschöp

The award-winners of the Hansen Family Award 2017 have been named: Professor Jens Brüning and Professor Matthias H. Tschöp are this year’s recipients…

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17. October 2016

DZD Annual Report 2015 Published

The current annual report of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) is available online as download.

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14. March 2016

You Are What Your Parents Ate!

DZD scientists at Helmholtz Zentrum München, in collaboration with researchers from Technical University of Munich, have shown that diet-induced…

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03. March 2016

DZD Experts at 2nd Middle German Diabetes Day

At the 2nd Middle German Diabetes Day (2. Mitteldeutscher Diabetestag) on Saturday, March 5th, scientists of the DZD will hold talks and answer…

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